"Chemikal Underground takes great pleasure in announcing the upcoming release of Return To Y’Hup: The World of Ivor Cutler; a celebration of the life and work of an artist of unrivalled musical and poetic vision. 26 of Cutler’s choice compositions are presented by Citizen Bravo, Raymond MacDonald and a host of friends...".
With "distinct Scottish voices alongside new arrangements of Cutler’s music, featuring a large number of high profile guest artists, including: Stuart Braithwaite (Mogwai), Tracyanne Campbell (Camera Obscura), Kris Drever (Lau), Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand), Stuart Murdoch (Belle & Sebastian), Pictish Trail, Emma Pollock (Delgados), Karine Polwart, Rick Redbeard (Phantom Band) and James Yorkston. Visiting the island as distinguished guests are two English vocalists, Phyllis King (Ivor Cutler’s longtime companion and collaborator) and living legend, Robert Wyatt".
Vinyl, CD and download out on 24 January 2020. Looking forward to this one!