Uncut magazine has a fine piece on Robert Wyatt (and Alfie) in their March issue 2020:
"I´m so somewhere else now..." (Uncut 274 March 2020 pp 56 - 61).
The focus is on history, stories and daily life, but there are also some great news: Faber will publish Robert Wyatt and Alfreda Benge´s collected lyrics this year, with introduction written by Jarvis Cocker!
Jarvis Cocker: "His version of Chic´s "At Last I´m Free" is amazing! I was DJing in Cologne once and we´d been told we had to stop, so I put that track on, thinking, "It´s quite mellow, so that´ll be the end of the party". But it was a lovely moment - all these people in Germany at three o´clock in the morning singing a Robert Wyatt song at the top of their lungs". Now that´s Wyatting!