Koboku Senjû is Tetuzi Akiyuma (g), Espen Reinertsen (sax, flute), Eivind Lønning (tp), Martin Taxt (tuba) and Toshimaru Nakamura (no-input mixing board). On the album "Selektiv hogst" (SOFA 2010) they play some kind of ecological improv, where the track titles may make you experience life and death in the woods. Since the track titles are in Norwegian, I guess non-Norwegians will hear some nice soundscapes, as I did the first time I heard the record, but after connecting the sounds and music to the titles, I was struck by claustrophobia listening to "Fanget under giftig bark" ("Trapped under poisonous bark" and was a bit sad listening to "Dyr som blir spist av andre dyr" ("Animals being eaten by other animals"). Some of the other titles mean "Growing downwards", "Looking for shadow", "Winter sleep" and OK, you get it!
I gladly admit that I do not know what a "no-input mixing board" is, but the music is a fascinating mix of spooky electronics and no standard use of acoustic instruments. Check out this album if you have got the nerves!
Visit SOFA on the net,they seem to have realised the importance of offering decent info, and even publish the liner notes (written by Jenny Hval (Rockettothesky) for this album).
On YouTube you may see several videos from a Koboku Senjû concert in Dallas 30 May 2010.
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