Please watch the video in this blog post folks! And Listen! Phil Minton does John Cage´s "Mesostics", dedicated to Merce Cunningam.
It all happened during the Rotterdam Opera Days (2013), on an evening dedicated to yodeling!
Find more info on YouTube, and the guy behind this, seems to be Bart Plantenga, author of "Yodel in Hi-Fi. From Kitsch Folk to Contemporary Electronica" (UW Press 2013).
The video starts with Phil Minton explaining how he reads John Cage´s text, and believe it or not, i managed to find my copy of Cage´s "M. Writings ´67 -´72" (Calder and Boyars 1973) without turning the basement upside down! If you read down the middle of the text here, you will probably find Cunningham too.
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