Summer isn´t over yet (I hope), and if you need a paperback to put in your traveling bag, why not choose Nick Hornby´s "Juliet, Naked" (2009, this cover: Penguin pb 2010).
Annie has been going steady with music crazy Duncan for 15 years, and let´s face it, she´s getting a bit tired. Duncan is a huge fan of the american singer Tucker Crowe, who released "Juliet" in 1986, an album often listed among critics favorites. The couple even travel from their coastal English town to visit important places in Crowe´s life and career, among them a toilet where certain things might have happened, that lead to an ending of Crowe´s professional career! Hey, fans do stuff like that!
Duncan runs a web site and a discussion forum dedicated to Tucker Crowe, and after Annie posts a negative review of a new and stripped version of Juliet (that is "Juliet, Naked") Crowe starts mailing Annie, and no, surprise, it does not stop there! I´m not going to say any more about that!
If you liked "High Fidelity", this might be the story happening quite a few years later.
Nick Hornby writes very well about music, fans, love and men who are boys, but a grown up man spending lots of time on a fan web site? Come on! *Cough*
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