Ingebrigt Håker Flaten and Håkon Kornstad recently released the follow up to the fantastic album "Elise"(Compunctio 2008). On "Mitt hjerte alltid vanker - 1" (meaning something like"My heart is always wandering") (Compundio 2011) they play some of the same songs as on "Elise", but this album is different, more jazzy perhaps, partly because veteran drummer Jon Christensen is participating. The material was recorded live during the Oslo Jazz Festival in 2009, and is highly recommended.
Part two will be released on the same label this spring (only as mp3s).
Ingebrigt Håker Flaten and Håkon Kornstad played at the Bergen Jazzforum Friday 18th February. As a duo the expression was more like what they did on "Elise", totally acoustic, with candle lights on the tables and good storytelling between the tunes. An absolutely brilliant concert!
Finally they did "Akk Värmeland du sköna" (aka "Dear Old Stockholm"), and Håkon Kornstad did some fantastic singing, opera style like Jussi Björling. I swear I saw some tears among the audience.

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