Thursday, January 3, 2013

Kiruna: The River

Towards the very end of 2012 Kiruna finally released their new album "The River" (Propeller 2012 - no info on their site so far).

The band is Kåre Chr. Vestrheim (keyb, g), Thomas Tofte (b) and Erland Dahlen (dr), and Vestrheim describes their way of working like this (to the Norwegian paper Dagsavisen: "We meet, start playing, follow a lead, and it turns out what it turns out.." (my translation).

I can´t pin a genre to this music (it would be something like ambient postprog I´m afraid), and I would not have guessed that it was all improvised, so let´s just say there are beautiful and dramatic soundscapes in there! Since they call the album The River, I can see a river on it´s way while listening, but blame me - not the band - for that.

You want this one (LP or files), and you should also seek out "Irun" (Tuba, 2003 (cover by the great Thore Hansen)) and "Tarasaurus" (Plastic Strip 2007).

Cover: Forest.

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