I´m a fan of street artist (it´s artists I guess) Muskelpust, and visited one of the Phonofestivalen venues today, where you should be able to make your own Muskelpust figure on PC. The problem is that I´m quite a tall guy, and quite old they tell me, so I just didn´t manage to enter the booth! (Having a vodka lime this very moment to try to raise my spirits).
But check out Muskelpust´s blog, where you may work with
Muskelpust´s Modular Multipleks! I have to admit that my first figure ended up looking a bit like the work of a child, but I´m quite happy. In a few weeks I just might start sneaking around Bergen in the night time, doing street art?
Next time we will do an exclusive structure for the old and tall! Your effort is still much appreciated :)
Heh heh! Lighthouse, ground floor, thank you very much! :-)
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