My favorite reading has always been novels, and some of them quite long too, but in these times of multitasking and doing social activities on the net (all day long), let me recommend a thin book. Very short short stories have a tendency to have neither head nor tail, but check out "Anthropology and hundred other stories" by Dan Rhodes! Here you get 100 stories, all of them 12 - 13 lines, and all of them close to perfect. They are witty, absurd and quite sad too, and are mostly about love, or lack of love (told by a man). The story "Blind" starts like this: "My girlfriend used my going blind as an excuse to start dressing sloppily".
The book was published in 2000 (my borrowed one:Canongate 2005), so you might have read it already of course. If not, you better read it.
On Twitter you may find several people who write stories of no more than 140 letters/signs. One of them is arjunbasu.
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