I may make a fool of myself here, but I´m not really sure if this album was properly released in 2008, 2009 or 2010 (I´m sure I read somewhere that a new release date was set for March 2010), but "The Brewery Tap" with Evan Parker (tenor saxophone) and Ingebrigt Håker Flaten (bass) (Smalltown Superjazz, 2thousandandquestionmark) is well worth looking for.
The duo recorded this music in Oslo in 2007. I guess we´ll have to call it free jazz, but there is no reason to back off, even if free jazz is not your main cup of tea. Parker must have an incredible breathing technique, I feel out of breath just by listening to some of this, and Flaten is great on the bass as always.
AAJ mention the album in 2009 and Ingebrigt Håker Flaten lists it in his 2008 discography but I have seen Smalltown albums at concerts a long time before they are in the shops earlier too (Vandermark/Nilssen-Love). "Brewery Tap" is neither on iTunes nor eMusic, but Amazon and Norwegian Platekompaniet offer it (don´t know if they send abroad) .
Don´t hide this one!
The Guardian had a piece on Evan Parker 22 April, called Evan Parker's musical utopia.
Cover: Rune Mortensen.
Finns på cdon.se,kollade just
Ja, og på cdon.no!
I waited to order it on CD as soon as it was announced and finally got my copy in April 2009. A great release, but what could go wrong with these two players...
If you're impressed with Parker's technique, there's a handful of solo albums he recorded over the years (a new one was just released on his PSI-label). They are even more impressive because of the sound he gets all by himself.
Oh, and thanks for the Guardian link!
I have his "Conic Sections" album, bought it at a fantastic Townhouse Orchestra concert in Molde (Norway) 2008.
Free Jazz (fantastic blog!) has a post on Parker´s new stuff http://freejazz-stef.blogspot.com/2010/04/dave-liebman-evan-parker-tony-bianco.html
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