Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lean Left

Lean Left is Terrie Hessels (g) and Andy Moor (g), Paal Nilssen-Love (dr) and Ken Vandermark (ts, Bb clarinet). Their new album ”The Ex Guitars meet Nilssen-Love/Vandermark Duo: Volume 1,” (Smalltown Superjazz, 2010), is soon on the market (19 April). This is live material, recorded in Amsterdam in 2008.
On this tour the musicians started as a duo, Vandermark/Nilssen-Love or The Ex guitar players. Here Paal Nilssen-Love and Ken Vandermark is going on for some 10 minutes with fantastic duo playing (in "Left Lung" and "Lean Over") , until Hessels and Moor enters. It all ends up in a rocked out free jazz/improv party. They calm down almost to the point of loosing momentum towards the end of the longest track "Right Lung" (27 minutes) but blow up a storm again in "Lean Leftover"
Let me sum up: Tough enough, must have, play loud!
Cover: Rune Mortensen.

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