Elephant9´s "Walk the Nile" (Rune Grammofon) should be available in all good record stores today. Elephant9 is still Ståle Storløkken (keyb), Nikolai Hængsle Eilertsen (b) and Torstein Lofthus (dr).
"Dodovoodoo" (Rune Grammofon 2008) had a couple of Joe Zawinul tunes, but the new album is home made (mainly by Storløkken).
It´s a bit shocking, but this album is just as good as the previous one (my taste at least). It still smells of electric jazz from the 70s, and it grooves like hell several places in there. The bird Phoenix from the first track ("Fugl Fønix") uses it´s claws and wings, and lifts you all the way to the end of the album.
Buy the vinyl and get a code to download the mp3 version too. Way to do it Rune!
Judging from the covers of the two albums, Kim Hiorthøy seems to think this is a colourful band too.
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