How about this? An old fashioned paper book by Johannes Rød called "Free jazz and improvisation on vinyl 1965 - 1985. A guide to 60 independent labels." (Rune Grammofon 2014), and believe it or not - it might be just what you need!
Johannes Rød writes in his intro that "The aim of this book is to present a selection of independent record companies and their record releases in the field of free jazz, abstract jazz, avant-garde jazz, free improvisation and instant composing. It is a book of lists, numbers and chronologies, as well as record designs and musicians" and "The selection of labels in this book is subjective, and it is important to stress that this project does not take encyclopedic approach".
There are also forewords by Rune Kristoffersen and Mats Gustafsson and a conversation between Rune Kristoffersen and Rob Young.
A lot of records to check out here, even if we can´t get them on vinyl (*digital ouch*), and of course it will make you go through your own collection to see what you have got already (some of mine below), rediscovering old gems! Anyway, you better be careful on eBay after reading this book.
At last a typical WyattAndStuff note:
Alfreda Benge made the cover to the first album on Rift Records: Frith/Kaiser/Cusak/Rowe/Chadbourne/Williams/Ljima "Guitar Solos 3" (1979).

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